Welcome to www.trippyglitters.com | Vintage Glitter Lamps | Snap the Glitters Fantastic Gallery Page 2

www.trippyglitters.com by Anthony Voz, is a website that documents the history and styles of beautiful vintage glitter lamps from all over the world, that will take you on a trip. To browse this site just simply choose an item from the menu above.

With its kinetic shimmering effect, the original sister product to the lava lamp, the glitter lamp is a beautiful home decoration item that was extremely popular in the vintage years.

Glitter lamps were produced by many different manufacturers all over the world and www.trippyglitters.com covers vintage glitter lamps produced by Crestworth Ltd, Mathmos, Glitterama, Lava-Simplex Internationale (manufacturers of the Lava Lite), Heat Tapes, Florence Art Co, Fantasia (iconic manufacturers of fiber optic lamps), YENNI, PYROFAG, USSR designs and so many more.

This page presents some our favourite vintage glitter lamps, from the vintage Crestworth Cosmos (featuring the Autumn Leaves GlitterLite), Mathmos Glitter Baby, Vintage European Mini Glitter lamp (beautiful blue shimmering glitter), 1990s Wizard glitter lamp and a Geyser lamp (red). Enjoy the images below ...

This website was brought to you from the people behind www.hippielight.com which looks at the history of the vintage Lava Lite lamps that were produced and sold in the USA and Canada, www.flowoflava.com, the history of the Crestworth & Mathmos Astro Lamp in the UK and Europe. If you like we can feature your lamp too. With thanks to: Craig French, Bohdan Rudy, George Roussos, Wilfried Virmond, Eliot Lees, Anthony Peck, Chris Moon Photography, Anna Santana, Christian Schulze-Bäing, Nick & Callum Carr, 1winkandaprayerme, Marc van Aken and George Stadnik... Please drop us an email at hippielight@googlemail.com. Thank you. Created & Designed by: Anthony Voz.