www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Vintage British "Sparkle-Lite" Tinsel Glitter Lamp Designs | Images Kind Courtesy of Eliot Lees.
Below: Vintage British "Sparkle-Lite" Tinsel Glitter Lamp Designs | These vintage British lamps as seen below were produced in the UK, and are commonly known as: "Hunter" lamps. The company behind these lamps also produced lava variations known as Sata-Lite lamps but also created a beautiful glitter version featuring fast moving liquid and large pieces of tinsel styled glitter. The effect is dazzling to the eye. These lamps are fast moving and thus use a solvent based formulation.
www.trippyglitters.com would like to thank Eliot Lees for very kindly photographing his selection of Sparkle-Lite lamps for us, documenting the wonderful styles of these British manufactured vintage tinsel glitter lamps.
Design 1: Double Flared Base - The Most traditional Sata-Lite & Sparkle-Lite designs, seen in different anodic finishes.
Design 2: Ridge-Flare Base - Perhaps the most popular of John Edward Hunter's designs and is the most popular Sata-Lite and Sparkle-Lite design. Seen with different cap design too (Design 5)
Design 3: Double Cone Base - A base design that features a double cone shaped base, similar to Crestworth's Astro Mini's base design.
Design 4: Hybrid Flared Base - A base design that features the top part of Design 1's base with the second lower part of Design 3's base to create a hybrid flared base.
Design 5: Ridge-Flare Base with Flat Top - Identical to Design 2, however with a flat top cap. |