Welcome to www.trippyglitters.com | Vintage glitter lamps | A look at Vintage British Glitter Lamps

www.trippyglitters.com is a website that documents the history and styles of beautiful vintage glitter lamps from all over the world, that will take you on a trip. On this page we continue our look at British Glitter lamps from Crestworth Ltd, Sparkle-Lite designs, Mathmos & Glitterama.

Crestworth expanded their glitter lamp designs with their Living Jewel formulation which is almost exclusively seen in the Astro Nordic De Luxe lamp design. Living Jewel presents large silver squares of glitter shimmering very quickly in liquid. Whilst Living Jewel did feature colour liquid options, it is most often seen with clear liquid.

Another company who produced glitter and lava lamps in the UK manufactured the Sparkle-Lite and Sata-lite lamp designs. These Sparkle-Lite designs feature trademark shaped tinsel shaped glitter, these designs are fast moving and are unique in using tinsel shaped long strands of glitter.

In the 1990s Edward Craven Walker's Glitterama company based in Poole Dorset, produced beautiful glitter designs which famously shipped in two sizes, the larger utilising the Mathmos Lunar (whisky) bottle. These designs also known as The Living Jewel, were offered in silver finishes and beautiful anodised finishes such as an electric blue. A lot of collectors use Glitterama bottles in their Lunar designs and also Lunar bottles in their Glitterama designs, when they want to turn their Glitterama design into a lava lamp.

The 1990s saw Crestworth transition into Mathmos. Mathmos returned to glitter first, by producing their Jet lamp with a slow moving glitter formulation but with large pieces of sliver glitter.

Glitter returned with massive effect, with the later 1990s Mathmos Glitter Baby designs. Glitter Baby was also sold in the Mathmos Telstar design and advertised as an extra-bottle purchase to refresh or offer a new effect for your lamp.

Enjoy the images below which display even more British Glitter Lamps.

This website was brought to you from the people behind www.hippielight.com which looks at the history of the vintage Lava Lite lamps that were produced and sold in the USA and Canada, www.flowoflava.com, the history of the Crestworth & Mathmos Astro Lamp in the UK and Europe. If you like we can feature your lamp too. With thanks to: Craig French, Bohdan Rudy, George Roussos, Wilfried Virmond, Eliot Lees, Anthony Peck, Chris Moon Photography, Anna Santana, Christian Schulze-Bäing, Nick & Callum Carr, 1winkandaprayerme, Marc van Aken and George Stadnik... Please drop us an email at hippielight@googlemail.com. Thank you. Created & Designed by: Anthony Voz.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Crestworth's Living Jewel Fast Moving Glitter Lamp Design

Below: The alternative glitter formulation by Crestworth was the stunning Crestworth Living Jewel which featured beautiful larger pieces of square silver glitter shimmering in a fast liquid for a super fast moving effect. The images below display the wonderful effect of the Crestworth Living Jewel which stays true to its name.

Examples of Crestworth's Living Jewel Lamp ... Images from various sources including courtesy of Second-City-Bazaar.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Crestworth's Living Jewel Instructions.

Below: Instruction Leaflet for Crestworth Living Jewel Glitter Lamp. Living Jewel was covered by British Patent No: 1232311.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Vintage British "Sparkle-lite" Tinsel Glitter Lamp Designs | Images Kind Courtesy of Eliot Lees.

Below: Vintage British "Sparkle-lite" Tinsel Glitter Lamp Designs | These vintage British lamps as seen below were produced in the UK, and are commonly known as: "Hunter" lamps. The company behind these lamps also produced lava variations known as Sata-lite lamps but also created a beautiful glitter version featuring fast moving liquid and large pieces of tinsel styled glitter. The effect is dazzling to the eye. These lamps are fast moving and thus use a solvent based formulation.

www.trippyglitters.com would like to thank Eliot Lees for very kindly photographing his selection of Sparkle-Lite lamps for us, documenting the wonderful styles of these British manufactured vintage tinsel glitter lamps.

Design 1: Double Flared Base - The Most traditional Sata-Lite & Sparkle-Lite designs, seen in different anodic finishes.

Design 2: Ridge-Flare Base - Perhaps the most popular of John Edward Hunter's designs and is the most popular Sata-lite and Sparkle-lite design. Seen with different cap design too (Design 5)

Design 3: Double Cone Base - A base design that features a double cone shaped base, similar to Crestworth's Astro Mini's base design.

Design 4: Hybrid Flared Base - A base design that features the top part of Design 1's base with the second lower part of Design 3's base to create a hybrid flared base.

Design 5: Ridge-Flare Base with Flat Top - Identical to Design 2, however with a flat top cap.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: 1990s Glitterama Designs by Edward Craven Walker.

Below: Glitterama Designs | UK Manufacture (also sometimes referenced as The Living Jewel). Two different sized Glitterama designs have been seen. Glitterama was a short-lived 1990s company which was founded by Edward Craven Walker and produced exclusively glitter lamps. They used two bottle types, the larger being identical to the Mathmos Lunar.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Mathmos Glitter Jet Lamp Designs

Below: Mathmos Jet | In the 1990s, Glitter came back with Mathmos with a Glitter option being offered in their Jet lamps. These lamps are stunning.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: The Mathmos Glitter Baby Design

Below: Mathmos Glitter Baby 1990s | In the 1990s, Glitter came back with Mathmos in a very big way after the Glitter Jets with a sister product to the Astro Baby, known as Glitter Baby. Glitter Baby was also sold in the Telstar rocket format. Below one can see a press image for a beautiful dazzling Glitter Baby. These lamps are stunning.

www.trippyglitters.com | Below: Mathmos Telstar featuring Glitter Baby Bottles.

In the 1990s, Glitter came back with Mathmos in a very big way after the Glitter Jets with a sister product to the Astro Baby, known as Glitter Baby. Glitter Baby was also sold in the Telstar rocket format. This was often seen marketed by Mathmos with their classic pop line art graphics that popularised their brand imagery in the later 1990s. We love the Glitter Baby bottles inside the Mathmos Telstar format. Enjoy the images below ...