Welcome to www.trippyglitters.com | Vintage Glitter Lamps | PYROFAG Vintage Lava and Glitter Lamp Designs

www.trippyglitters.com by Anthony Voz, is a website that documents the history and styles of beautiful vintage glitter lamps from all over the world, that will take you on a trip. To browse this site just simply choose an item from the menu above.

With its kinetic shimmering effect, the original sister product to the lava lamp, the glitter lamp is a beautiful home decoration item that was extremely popular in the vintage years.

Some of the most intriguing lava and glitter lamp designs were those by PYROFAG. PYROFAG imported and subsequently manufactured lava, glitter and fiber optic lamps. Some of their most distinctive designs are their lava and glitter lamps which feature ceramic bases and caps, which echo the beautiful of pottery of that era in Western-Germany. We love the ceramic designs below.

PYROFAG also created metal glitter lamps and one of our favourite designs can be seen below which features a beautiful window cutout design that frames the glitter bottle with translucent circles dots around the base. Enjoy the images below, which are the kind courtesy of Wilfried Virmond.

This website was brought to you from the people behind www.hippielight.com which looks at the history of the vintage Lava Lite lamps that were produced and sold in the USA and Canada, www.flowoflava.com, the history of the Crestworth & Mathmos Astro Lamp in the UK and Europe. If you like we can feature your lamp too. With thanks to: Craig French, Bohdan Rudy, George Roussos, Wilfried Virmond, Eliot Lees, Anthony Peck, Chris Moon Photography, Anna Santana, Christian Schulze-Bäing, Nick & Callum Carr, 1winkandaprayerme, Marc van Aken, Andreas Rüger and George Stadnik... Please drop us an email at hippielight@googlemail.com. Thank you. Created & Designed by: Anthony Voz.

Welcome to www.trippyglitters.com | Presents A Vintage PYROFAG Lava and Glitter Lamp Collection

www.trippyglitters.com is proud to present a collection of PYROFAG vintage lava and glitter lamps by Andreas Rüger, who collects these wonderful lamps and has lovingly restored them.

Below we can see a selection of ceramic, tubular, PYROFAG vintage lamps, such as those with a smooth white finish decorated with gold banding on the base and cap. We can also see another version which displays ceramic craftsmanship with beautiful embossing on the ceramic surface in white. We have also presented a black ceramic version which features beautiful glazing on the ceramic in keeping with vintage vases and West German pottery.

With special thanks to Andreas Rüger for kindly photographing his collection of PYROFAG lava and glitter lamps for www.trippyglitters.com.