www.lavalamphistory.com | The History of the lava lamp & lava lamp history | The Millennium | Fluidium | Jetstream and more ...

Below: The year 2000 saw the launch of Fluidium, designed by Ross Lovegrove and Mathmos, Fluidium shattered the concept of what a lava lamp's visual identity could be, to create a radically new design that draws inspiration from the organic formations inside the lamp. Fluidium presents a unique take on what a lava lamp could be and traded the metal base finishes often seen with lava lamp designs with injection moulded translucent polycarbonate and a custom specially designed shaped bottle. Presented in colours such as: Orange, Opal, Yellow and Green, Fluidium presented a fresh new take on the lava lamp for the new Millennium and the new age.

Welcome to www.lavalamphistory.com, a website dedicated to vintage lava lamps from Mathmos, the inventors of the lava lamp. www.lavalamphistory.com displays a wide range of lava, glitter, fibre optic and motion lamps from the past and today, to acts as a mini museum reference for those who wish to learn more about these wonderful kinetic lamps. wwwlavalamphistory.com displays a wide range of lava lamp designs from their introduction in 1963 to the present day and we love Mathmos, the people who invented the lava lamp.