www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | The Mathmos LED Colour Changing Lights: Minilamp, Poplight & Blob & Flow.

Below: Mathmos Minilamp - Continuing Mathmos' array of LED lights in the 2000s, Mathmos introduced three new colour changing lights: Blimp, Minilamp and also Ghost. Below one can see the Mathmos Minilamp and its fun colourful rainbow colours. Simply press to switch on and off. Please see the Mathmos Minilamp below.

www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | The Mathmos LED Colour Changing Lights: Minilamp, Poplight & Blob & Flow.

Below: Mathmos Poplight - Continuing Mathmos' array of LED lights in the 2000s, Mathmos introduced Poplight. Poplight by Mathmos features colour changing via LED light and pulsing light for a pop-art effect. When switched off, Pop-light looks like a silvered bulb inside a lamp, but when switched on, it comes alive with colour. Enjoy the images below!

www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | The Mathmos LED Colour Changing Lights: Minilamp, Poplight & Blob & Flow.

Below: Mathmos Blob & Flow - LED light pets introduced by Mathmos, simply touch and they will interact with you. Mathmos Blob and Flow lights, just like Jelly can be USB powered if wished. Blob and Flow are beautiful LED lights. Enjoy the images below!

Welcome to www.keepbubbling.com, a website dedicated to vintage lava lamps from all over the world. Keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava, glitter, fibre optic and motion lamps from the past and acts as a mini museum reference for those who wish to learn more about these wonderful kinetic lamps. www.keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava lamp designs from their introduction in 1963 to the present day and we love Mathmos, the people who invented the lava lamp.