www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | Giant lava lamp designs.

Over the history of the lava lamp, there have been a great selection of huge lava lamps. These lava lamps are huge and when we say huge, we mean huge. They are simply floor-standing by design. For example: Take a look at the Crestworth Princess as seen in Mathmos' Vintage Lava Lamp exhibition, which features a giant cylindrical vase supported on a spacey, rocket, tripod-styled base for a totally new effect. Then there is the Fireball lava lamp, a giant rocket shaped lava lamp from the early 1990s, which looks so space age by design. Then in 2010, Mathmos introduced the Mathmos Monster lava lamps, which are giant floor-standing tubular Jet styled lava lamps. Which giant lava lamp is your favourite? The Crestworth Princess lava lamp was featured at Mathmos 2009 Vintage lava lamp exihibition.

www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | Crestworth Princess Giant Vintage lava lamp.

Below: The dazzling Crestworth Princess floorstanding lava lamp in Blue & Red.

www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | Mathmos Fireball | Filling Fireball at the Mathmos Vintage lava lamp Exhibition.

Below: One can see images of the Mathmos Fireball giant floor-standing lava lamp from Mathmos' Vintage lava lamp Exhibition. One can also see the stunning Fireball being filled with the specialist formulation.

www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | Mathmos Monster Lava Lamp Designs.

Below: The amazing Mathmos Monster lava lamp displayed in White and Turquoise bubbles. This lava lamp is truly stunning. Mathmos Monster lava lamps were designed as bespoke giant lava lamps from Mathmos, and they use a specialist formulation that remains liquid when the lamp is switched off, for fast start up time. The giant lava effect is stunning, as seen in the images below. The last image displays two lava bubbles floating around in the Mathmos Monster lava lamp.

Welcome to www.keepbubbling.com, a website dedicated to vintage lava lamps from all over the world. Keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava, glitter, fibre optic and motion lamps from the past and acts as a mini museum reference for those who wish to learn more about these wonderful kinetic lamps. www.keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava lamp designs from their introduction in 1963 to the present day and we love Mathmos, the people who invented the lava lamp.