www.keepbubbling.com | The Vintage lava lamp Timeline |Discover your vintage lava lamp design | The Amazing Aurasglow lava lamps powered by a tea-light candle.

Below: This page is dedicated to Aurasglow lava lamps, beautiful candle powered lava lamp designs that are hand made in Canada.Each Aurasglow colour is inspired by soulful elements and they are amazing candle powered lava lamps. Working on just a tea-light candle, the formulation becomes alive and starts to dazzle with amazing shapes floating in the glass bottle. Aurasglow is completely cordless for ease of use, anywhere and at any time. Enjoy the images below which showcase the unboxing of an Aurasglow, and the beautiful orange Sunsplash model in operation.

Welcome to www.keepbubbling.com, a website dedicated to vintage lava lamps from all over the world. Keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava, glitter, fibre optic and motion lamps from the past and acts as a mini museum reference for those who wish to learn more about these wonderful kinetic lamps. www.keepbubbling.com displays a wide range of lava lamp designs from their introduction in 1963 to the present day and we love Mathmos, the people who invented the lava lamp.